Parole tracker

Ankle monitors have long been used as a tracking device for parolees and people on house arrest and as an alternative punishment for crimes such as drunk driving.

But ankle monitors are invasive, uncomfortable, embarrassing, and inconvenient. As former prisoners try to reassimilate back into everyday life, a bulky, black box tied to their ankle is the same as tying a red flag to their neck that says “I committed a crime!”

When a partner came to ACD with the desire to fix these issues and implement new technologies into existing monitors, we leapt at the chance.

By combining industry-leading technology and our design team’s decades of experience, we created a product that will revolutionize the ankle monitor industry and provide comfort to civilians getting back to the real world.

  • Ankle monitors are clunky, invasive, and do not include the most up-to-date technology. Ankle monitors are also a source of embarrassment and great stress for formerly incarcerated individuals attempting to reassimilate back into the real world.

  • Create a monitoring device that is smaller and does not prohibit the wearer from certain legal activities or wearing certain clothing. Implement industry-leading tracking technology into a device so that offers law enforcement pinpoint locating capabilities. Design a product that doesn’t look like an ankle monitor and ease the burden of coming back to the outside world

  • Together with our partners, ACD successfully designed, tested, assembled and finalized a modern wearable solution to all the challenges presented above. The new device is sleek, low-key and includes the most up-to-date technology to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone.

    • BLE (messages to the cloud and RSSI for geofencing)

    • Dual Primary cell battery

    • IP67 rating

    • Heart Rate Monitor, 3-axis Accelerometer

    • Industrial Design (ID)

    • Mechanical Design

    • Strap Design (prevents prisoners from removing or ripping)

    • Drop and Thermal Simulations

    • Electrical Design

    • Antenna Design including Antenna Performance Simulations

    • Certification (CE)

    • Firmware design and HRM algorithm

    • VI - Parts sourced in Asia and assembled in Texas

ACD’s attention to detail and understanding resulted in a gorgeous product that meets all our needs and takes a huge step toward creating more empathy around incarcerated individuals.

Integrated tracking monitor